Aches and Pains
Moans and Groans
While I've managed to avoid injury thus far, as I seldom run 2 days in a row,
I'm sore. A lot. In fact I've grown accustomed to some form of discomfort, mostly in the form of tight muscles needing to be stretched badly!! I'll get a massage every few of months (I'm ashamed to admit this, being a cmt myself), but I still haven't formed a good stretching routine.
Ok what then are the barriers to my just stretching?
Let's see:
1. The need to vacuum because of Brandy hair everywhere.
2. The need to create a barricade so Brandy doesn't thinks it's play time because
I'm on the floor.
Lame excuses when I see it in writing.
Still, having a clean private space to stretch would be nice.
I tend to get my best stretching done in the shower, but don't even get me started on the bathroom.
I must end on a more positive note. I'm blessed and lucky. I take way too much for granted. We're so lucky to have our little house. Today I got a great deal on some pots and pans. My first "nice set" that I paid cash for.