There was a point during the race last Sunday, where everything felt amazing. The legs, the breathing, the cadence all synthesized and I felt like the strongest me ever.
It's taken a few days for me to appreciate this. Following a race, I often focus on what went wrong, what wasn't working. It's often several days later when I recall those moments where all is right and I feel for however brief as though I am flying.
And it's not long after, that I begin to run out of steam and my feet touch the earth once more and I am not so strong, not so fierce. But tempered and spent and tired and giddy and a little dehydrated most likely...
And then I'm sore and I take special care to stretch and hydrate, eat well and sleep. All because of this race, and hopefully future races. I want to keep this feeling. I want to remember why I do what I do.