Monica and I pulled into the Lake Anza parking lot at exactly the same time. we chatted on the beach for as long as it took me to shove myself into my wetsuit. i went in first zig zagging my way to the furthest end . when i left the house earlier it was pretty overcast and windy but by the time i reached the park (which well above sea level) it was all sunny and clear lifting my mood a smidge.
for all my complaining Monica is a good swim partner. she's mellow and doesn't take any of it too seriously which was exactly what i needed today. i swam for maybe 25 minutes. i started to feel guilty for not going longer and for Monica coming from Pinole ( i paid for her swim fee it was the least i could do ) but we'll do it again and the goal was to get past my swim funk which i did. it's really pretty up there and there weren't too many people at noon, though our spot was a bit more crowded when we got back on land then when we entered the water. i had a bit of a headache so i didn't feel guilty for too long about not swimming longer. we had a good visit on the beach before going our separate ways.