5:30 am and I feel unusually rested.......up and out of bed coffee already brewed (thanks T) I'm surprised at how dark it is. I have no plan....I need a plan.....too late to catch Cheryl's spin class ( Cheryl was the sweeper during the practice tri and helped me with my flat, remember?)
Still dark at 6pm...more searching the Y for a class.....no tri/masters swim (I washed and blow dried my hair lastnight....you women of color out there understand).....so on with the running shoes and out the door . Walking down the block until I decide on a route.
I decide to head towards the Berkeley Marina. I make my way to the bicycle bridge that crosses HWY 80......past Seabreeze market and over to the shorline nature center.....when nature calls.....I luck out here as the nature center has well lit facilities with flush toilets. ...it's the litte things that make me happy......... then onto the pier near Skates....the visibility out on the bay is poor but I can see a small boat cruising along off in the distance.
I spot another runner and she gives me a thumbs up as we pass eachother in silence on the foggy pier.....smile on my lips. On the turn around I notice a few men on the pier carrying fishing poles ...what on earth do they catch I wonder but don't ask...
I cut across the new portion of the bay trail then over to Gilman and it's the homestretch. This is the first "early" longish run before work in sometime, keep it up kid!