This weeks wrap up:
Tue: 30 min treadmill.
lunges/10# and squats/45# 3x10
leg presses 3x15 45#
Wed: 60 min Yoga class
Fri: 45 minute run outside (the one day this wek the sun was out);
Headwinds and Hill repeats, oh yeah!!
Sun: 70 minute run
Doesn't look too impressive for a multi-sport training week, however if you count the many hours I've spent finishing up this damn quilt, er, I mean this darling quilt that'll be finished tonight if I have anything to do with it!!!'s been a pretty balanced week. Throw in chaperoning a field trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium on thursday and working 32 hours this week, I'm not feeling too slothful. No swimming or bike riding though.
Spent most of saturday cleaning up the nest and sewing, taking care to stretch periodically.
I skipped the tri-club get together on saturday, they headed over to the city for a gait and running shoe clinic. This wednesday night though, we're meeting at the Berkeley H.S. track for a workout w/coach woohoo!!
Good sleeps and eats all weekend. M made the yummiest banana bread w/chocolate chips and walnuts.
I was asleep by 9:00 pm on friday!!
Okay, back to the sewing machine . I'm going in for the kill!!