The weather has taken a nice turn the last couple of days and I rode to Inspiration Point from my house and it took me only 45 mins. Total ride time:75 mins. I don't have the mileage, but let me tell ya Spruce to Tilden is a pretty good climb and then you work your way up and down the windy road to IP. Saw several other riders on the way up, cyclists are a friendly bunch I have to say, lots of smiles and hi's.
The trip home was pretty fun (flying back down Spruce was a reward in itself!) and I am trying to coast less and drop down to low gears on decents, though I should take it in for a look-see as the shifting is not so smooth and a couple of time the gears jumped around, most likely due to my lack of finesse.
Tonight the triclub is meeting for a spin class (which I'll skip considering my heroic efforts today!!) and then we're having a guy present on open-water swimming. Lastnights swim lesson was the best yet, the instructor got into the pool with us and commented that we all looked good. Then she had us swim w/o flippers and boy howdy what difference!! I no sooner think I'm making progress (side breathing) when yet another weak spot reveals itself!
I'm still not a real swimmer but progress is being made people!!