as i'm sure was the case in many a household this week, we were BUSY with M's elementary school graduation, Father's Day plans and bouncing from facility to facility at work. i put in the extra effort to squeeze all my runs in for a grand total of 39 miles...woohoo! i'm feeling good about my new running schedule too.
i did yoga this's been awhile....and oh, how my poor muscles rebelled! still, i found comfort in a few of my favorite poses and lingered there for awhile as the class moved on. i like this particular class alot and now with my long runs getting done on saturday i'll be going on sunday mornings more often.
yesterday's long run of 11 miles wasn't nearly as emotional as last week. seems i'm settling into my skin a little better and not feeling totally sorry for myself. i have alot to be thankful for and it's all right under my nose half the time.
i'm not going lie and say it's all good again and that i'm not a little lonely sometimes when training but i know this " phase" i'm going through has a purpose. as much as i want to connect with other active humans the relationships i need to nuture are closer to home.
it is absolutely gorgeous outside. we're planting pumpkins and sunflowers out in the front yard and basically sprucing things up around here.
Happy Father's Day to all who have assumed those duties ....male or female....and if you haven't already, let that special someone know you love their guts!