After reading a few blogs....I'm still not feeling it....I hate to admit it but I really don't feel like running...I haven't since's run will fall under the "just get 'er done" catagory...god, I hate that just smacks of redneckedness ....still run I must...I know this feeling will pass after the first mile or two.....................
With no solid plan in place I headed towards the BART trail and worked my way towards COSTCO. I then went left on the Bayside Trail towards Golden Gate took me about an hour to get this far and it was another 1/2 hour before the run started to feel less forced.......the whole time prior I just plodded along.
I circled Ceasar Chavez once and then headed over to the mile pier near was at this point I started to remember why I love to run.....the sun was out and the Pacific Ocean sparkled as far as the eye could see. Fisherman, families and dogs collectively groovin on the pier...Now I was feeling it!
I then headed over to the Sea Breeze Cafe for a few Cliff Blocks and hydration. I thought...briefly...of continuing on the Bayside Trail towards Chevy's but once I approached the Bicyle Bridge that spans Hwy 80 I veered right and headed home. The pounding on concrete was beginning to take it's point in pushing it too far.
So, a 2.5 hour run for not feeling like running ain't too shabby. If nothing else, it's another confirmation that while it's nice to feel like running it's not necessary. and that more often than not ....with a little extra effort you can tap into good run. A few things to do differently this week will include eating and drinking better and going to bed earlier.
Next weeks little 10K in San Francisco should be fun.....I know shopping at the Sports Basement afterwards will be!