I popped into La Foot, a running store that specializes in helping the injured athlete....not that I'm injured but I was curious about the goods. I drooled over the new Asics and was fairly impressed by their Montrail selection. I don't really need new shoes...at least I dont think I do. This wasn't a planned visit otherwise I would've brought in my current shoes for some additional assessing. They analyzed my gait and confirmed that while my arch is low I'm not flat footed and that I over pronate. The gal helping me could only come up with my size in the new models aka NOT the ones on sale.
I must've spent close to an hour there trying on half a dozen different pairs but in the end I decided to return with my current shoes and perhaps get some orthodics as I've noticed funny twinges in my knees.....nothing consistent and it seems to jump around from leg to leg...I'm guessing my Montrails are ready for retirement. I bought them right before the Presidio trail race last year in November.
I recently picked up a pair of Adidas Supernovas on sale. There kind've ugly , being a stability shoe they feel a little clunky compared to my other shoes but I took them on a short run this morning and guess what? No twinges. I also like the roomy toebox when going downhill. I'll need to break them in slow before going long but aside for ugly factor they may be all I need for now. I can wear gaiters to hide how ugly there are anyhow!
I did find a couple of cool long sleeved technical shirts and a pair of shorts at Marshalls for way cheap proving that you can afford to look and feel good without breaking the bank!