Sunday, November 13, 2011

zen runner

and while running is never effortless i have been revisiting an old copy of chi of running and  trying a couple things out.  my knee still bothers me and i probably can attribute it to being heavier vs my shoes.  meeting up with kate this morning for an easy 3 mile trail run .


Clipping Path said...

I hope you will be succeeded. Go up and try to do your best.

FM said...

wow I've been following your blog for a while and I'm a fan, and my friend recently started a running blog too, and he follows you as well, and I'm doing this as a favour so if you could please read it and give me feedback I can give it to him:

Andy Green said...

What's happened? It looks like you had a really good blog.
It is still ranked in some of the 'Best of' blogs.