The training is going well. for the next 5 weeks the schedule should go like this:
mon off
tues 4 mi
weds 6 mi
thurs 4 mi
fri 6 mi
sat 3 mi
sun 8 mi
this may not look too challenging but consecutive days running and sequencing could be tricky. i'm tempted to switch fri and sat, so we'll see.
took brandy along yesterday to Lone Tree in Tilden. this is where my marathon will begin. i needed to run 6 miles and that turned out to be 2 and a third hilly loops. i'm not fast but that's not the objective at this point. getting out there more frequently, keeping to the program and getting a good base before starting the actual marathon program is.
in the past i've managed to get by on little training for certain events...often i've gone into an event feeling undertrained. my goal for this race thus far is to train well. to invest in the program and really give 100%. short of a major life altering event or natural calamity i have a solid opportunity here to really step up to the plate and make this happen. i'm not overextended and things are relatively "normal" around the homefront.
spring is in the air and it's got me feeling renewed and excited about all the possibilities.
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