Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rough Week

it's been pretty hot around the bay area lately and well truth be told between this and getting my runs in later rather than earlier has been harsh. still i pulled off 35 miles this week and aside from grumpy buttocks and achey legs my head is still on straight and i am pleased as punch with my progress.

i stopped by title nine yesterday for some moldable inserts for my montrails and was a little shocked when my request to post a running partner ad on the community bullentine board was apppears they don't have an official forum for this. so, not taking no for an answer i inquired further as to how this store plans to be more community oriented...they being the only women's running store in the area.

aside from being a pricey running gear shop it seems like they could really make an impact by sponsoring local events and focusing on running moms and their kids....kind've a shame really. i left my info with the store manager and she said they had a spring running group last year and plan to do it again later in the summer.

today is all about emptying M's room and prepping it to paint. look out for before and after pictures .


Anne said...

It's heating up here too. Kudos for keeping up that kind of weekly mileage while adjusting to it. And I hope you get Title Nine to encourage more running. Good for you to take the initiative and light a fire under their feet.

christine said...

uh, slight miscalculation....there anne...i only ran 22.49 plus the 3 or so miles not captured on the garmin. :0