Wednesday, March 08, 2006

it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

My 40 minute run on the BART trail turned into an hour thanks to the nice sunny weather. I covered 6 miles and then made a very brief visit to the local gym to stretch and do a little leg work. The weather is suppose to be good on saturday, (light showers the night before though). Trail races go slower, and as this is my first 10K I'm just damn happy to feel fit and prepared for it. Come what may! The 20k route was demolished by recent storms and they had to shorten the course to 10.5 miles.
Now I'm off to help M deliver Girl Scout Cookies.


Mia Goddess said...

We just got our gscookies from the daughter of our friends. So far, we've maintained our dignity by eating one or two each day for past week. Knock wood. You know which ones are good? The lemon coolers. They really are lemony good.

I can't wait for your race on Saturday! I am so excited to hear all about it ~ especially if it rains, because I think trail runs are super fun and a wet muddy one sounds like heaven. I mean, for *you*, of course, not *me*!

Anonymous said...

Good luck at your race. I'm going to link you from our blog since you've been so cool as to post such great comments.

BART in Bay Area Rapid Transit? I'm a Cali-girl originally. Born at Stanford, raised in San Jose and Santa Cruz.