Friday, October 28, 2005


The run on tuesday had some ill effects later. I tend to over pronate anyways so with the sore right little toe I think I was even more so, cause I had a hell of a shin splint the next day. I thought maybe it had something to do with the 5% incline, but only my right leg was sore.

My friend who is a PT suggested I lay off running until it stops hurting. She said to do other things to maintain endurance and strength.

Okay fine, BUT IT'S NOT THE SAME!!!

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I'm signed up for a 5k 11/20. There is time to heal. This will be ok. Right?

I haven't run since tueday and while it's not as sore it's not healed. If it feels right I may go out sunday. Screw that, I am running on sunday.

Miranda, my daughter actually turn's 10 tomorrow and were having a house party with 9 other little friends. If I don't get to run this weekend I may have to be commited.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A slow return

Today was my first run since the painful toe incident. It hurt to put on running shoes and I skipped/limped to neighborhood gym. The first ten mins on the treadmill hurt. On a scale of 1-10 I'd rate it a 7.......Shortly after though it tapered off to a 4-5.
At a 4.5 -5.0 pace I started to feel confident that my running wasn't too impaired, got up to 5.3 for the final 5min stretch and the pain shot back up to 7-8. 2.25 miles in 30 minutes.
The living room is now off limits to Brandy and while inconvinient a, psuedo- permanent barricade is up so we have a clean place to stretch. My dtr. did not appreciate my vacuuming at 9 pm but it had to be done.
Have a great day

Monday, October 24, 2005

Appears I spoke too soon!

While straightening up around the house yesterday, a rather heavy object fell directly on my right baby toe! You know those wooden thingys with the magnetic strip used store knives. I unwittingly stashed it in a tube of wrapping paper and when rummaging around in the laundry room (barefooted) it slipped out and rammed my little toe. Yow!!!!!!!!!! The pain took my breath away, iced and took a Motrin and after what seemed to be an hour I was able to hobble around and continue straightening up.
This mornings run will have to wait though, I'm currently debating what sort of shoes I can wear to work.......Happy Moanday!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Go get 'em ladies!!!!!!!

At the moment I'm covered in dog hair, so you know stretched. Ironically I wore all black today so I look like a real hairball. Started out w/Brandy for the first 10 mins, then looped around to drop her off back home and continued another 40 mins with a few hills.

Thinking about the Nike Women's Marathon and would love to check out the expo, no time today though. Maybe tomorrow, it would be cool to see the girls running.

High 5 to all the amazing women on the road tomorrow, your'e all AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Check out the website, so many cool stories.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Aches and Pains
Moans and Groans

While I've managed to avoid injury thus far, as I seldom run 2 days in a row,
I'm sore. A lot. In fact I've grown accustomed to some form of discomfort, mostly in the form of tight muscles needing to be stretched badly!! I'll get a massage every few of months (I'm ashamed to admit this, being a cmt myself), but I still haven't formed a good stretching routine.

Ok what then are the barriers to my just stretching?
Let's see:
1. The need to vacuum because of Brandy hair everywhere.
2. The need to create a barricade so Brandy doesn't thinks it's play time because
I'm on the floor.

Lame excuses when I see it in writing.

Still, having a clean private space to stretch would be nice.
I tend to get my best stretching done in the shower, but don't even get me started on the bathroom.

I must end on a more positive note. I'm blessed and lucky. I take way too much for granted. We're so lucky to have our little house. Today I got a great deal on some pots and pans. My first "nice set" that I paid cash for.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Mind Over Matter........

I registered for a 5k, King Oscar Presidio Trails in San Francisco, 11/20/05. The event description reads "a rare chance to race on the beautiful trails of Presidio." I have a bit of performance anxiety. This race will be a test as it's a planned event vs the 5k I stumbled upon in Sept.....hence more time to worry blah blah blah.......I can run 3.11 miles, but I need to pace myself better and not get freaked out by the masses. Last 5k I got so worried that I wouldn't finish and I ran too hard the first half and well it wasn't pretty. I did place 3rd in my age range but I pushed too hard and felt icky nervous vs excited. Running is such a high for me and I want to enjoy racing. I need to prepare mentally as well as physically this time.

A trail race will certainly be different as I'm sure to be doing as much scrambling as running. And there are hills......which leads me to my 6:30 am run this morning...Hella Hills!!! I love living in Berkeley!!!
I purchased a pair of trail shoes (Trail Lizards by Timberland) back in June and I think I bought the wrong size or maybe my big toe nail was needing a trim....dunno? I like my gel-kayano's (the helpful salesperson at the shishy running gear shop suggested I go up a size ). I'll need to try/re-try both pair out on some trails this weekend.

Left Brandy home and just followed well lit streets in the surrounding neighborhood.......saw a couple of other women running together and a few mommies w/babies in strollers......I always dig seeing other runners/walkers up at the butt crack of dawn. Hats off to the mommies .......I could never get my dtr. to settle in a stroller!! OH yeah, My dtr. and I will be volunteering at a Turkey Trot at Oceans beach on Thanksgiving, hubby works and I usually host dinner and he comes home around 6 pm to eat and crash. My dtr. hasn't shown alot of interest in running but she is aware of the mental and physical plusses it's been for me, volunteering together at this event may just be another good influence I hope.

I'm slowly changing my ways and leaving time to stretch.
Todays effort: 30 minute run f/u w/15 mins of stretching.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Today I managed to get out the door at the not so freakishly early hour of 6:45am. With Brandy in tow we set out for the trail nearby as it was starting to get light. I felt strong and got to El Cerrito bart in 12 mins vs the usual 15. At a much slower pace on the turn-around I was going to stop after 30 minutes, but was spurred on by another runner headed down the path up ahead , this added another 10 mins resulting in a 40 minute run on a school day!!
Brandy is still prone to puppy silliness, chasing leaves and just about anything that blows in the wind, I usually run w/her tied around my waist (does this count as a "Core"workout), and if I'm not paying attention she's been known to wrench my back. Today however she was extra good........Thanks to Susie for turning me on to Ben Boyd toons......the one with the dog wearing the sign "will run for fun" is posted above Brandy's watering hole.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Back Home

So there's a reason why elite runners train at altitude!!
I thought I'd check out the hotel amenites, nice pool, jacuzzi and decent treadmill. 10 minutes on the treadmill I was huffing, 20 minutes I was done walked for another 10.

Saturday I went out dancing with my "nieces" and was introduced as Aunt Chris....Much to my chagrin......Sunday we went for a not-too-strenous hike w/the the younger girls in tow (my girl isn't super outdoorsy so this is always a bit of a challenge) Monday I went with our friends to their gym and actually ran for 30 mins on the treadmill and then did a Pilates class (Sue, if you read this yes I was sore!!).

So I did acclimate some though my sinuses were killing me.
I've been home a week and have gotten back on track with my running. Today was an easy 3mi 27:14, I met up w/my family at the flea market. I'm getting good at blending the running with family time.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Just Run!

In effort to avoid running tomorrow at 5am, I ran after work tonight instead. That makes it
2 days in a row of running. The diet coke I drank at the end of day at work was mostly responsible for the extra energy, but as I've said before I'm not fully commited to the 5am'ers.

There was a time when I would never even consider running after work, no way tooooooo tired. The past month has been crazy and I've had to squeeze runs in wherever I can. I'm proud to say despite the hectic schedule, I've been consistent in my inconsistency!!

Going to Gardnerville, NV on friday. It will be interesting to see if the change in altitude will affect my running.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005





Sunday, October 02, 2005

Long Run

This morning I ran for 75 minutes and found some cool trails in back of the race track.
My route:
Gilman towards the race track.
Rt. behind the race track, nice view of the bay on the Lt. and you can get a wiff of stink if they happen to be mucking stall on the Rt.
Go up a decent hill then veer Lt. Towards beach and trails.
Nice trail led off rd. that looped into a single track that went straight back up,
I didn't feel like I had stopped running!
On the main trail again , go Lt. to Bay Trail.(BT)
BT towards COSTCO, then Rt. @ the overpass to the
Rt. at the BART TRAIL (el cerrito) back to Gilman St.

Moderate run, I felt good. Glad I added those hills this week.
I stretched for a minute when I got home then went for a 30 minute bike ride.

My mom came over and helped with the yard sale, which allowed me to read a good article in my copy of Runner's world about the need to *train your brain* Some athletes have two coaches one for the physical performance and one for the mental performance!
It would be nice to replace my feelings of dread into excitement when I:

I'm gonna............

I only have to do it 2x's
up at:
run between:
5:45 - 6:30am
In the neighborhood mostly w/Brandy
I can probably stick with this thru the fall or until it gets too cold/dark?
Run on the treadmill:
6:00 - 6:45

Okay, I've got a plan to this going.
No excuses!!